

  • English-Spanish (mother tongue)

  • Spanish-English (in this case, all documents are always corrected and proofread by an English native translator/reviser)

All  texts are revised  by experts on the topic who collaborate on my projects.

I have wide experience of translating texts in different fields. Due to the fact that I work in an area where a lot of expats live, I am in continuous contact with British people and other English-speaking nationalities. Therefore,  I know their culture and way of life, which I consider very important when understanding and interpreting texts to adapt them to the client’s needs.

I have translated documents for many companies in the Campo de Gibraltar area, as well as in Gibraltar.






The following is a list of projects that I have translated.

-      Personal and official letter

-       E-mails

-      Agreements

-       Minutes of meetings

-      Contracts

-      Manuals

-      Websites

-      Tourist guides

-      Articles for newspapers and magazines

-      Golf magazines

-      Newsletters

-      Building projects

-      Gardening projects

-      Brochures

-      Medical reports

-      Educational reports

-      Communities of owners’ Agendas

-      Restaurant menus 


It doesn’t matter how short or long your document is, just get in touch with me, send me the text by e-mail or fax and I will give you a quotation .